Freestone Creek

The Blue Pool was once a “locals” spot where if you were from the area you knew about it. Now, it is totally loaded with people so much that is it barely useable.

Using google maps (and a chat with a mate) I found another spot on the same river that looked quite good. It did not dissapoint. It was one of the prettier spots we’ve been to swim and Maggie had an absolute ball.

The sun set behind the escarpment early in the afternoon so the lack of shade wasn’t that noticeable for Ed. The parking was pretty tight but it was a 35 degree day on a Saturday close to the Christmas and New Year break.

Overall we will definitely be back.

Seaspray over the break

Across and 26 & 27 December Pa and I took Maggie to the Seaspray for a swim, and on 2 January we went again with Claire and Ed.

The beach is fast becoming Maggie’s favourite thing, and 24 January we went again for Australia Day.

Ed was less impressed with the wind and sand, and spent more time in the playground.

Maggie’s energy was at a 10 the entire time, there is nothing that she loves doing more than running and jumping in the water. She even tried a bit of boogie boarding and did quite well at it.

I tried to take out deeper once and she tried to pull against my hand at exactly the wrong time and got a “wipeout” which dampened things, though the fish and chips afterwards made up for it.

Cowwarr Weir

19 December we went with the following families: White, Lewis, Elliman, Bryant and Black. The girls swam even though it was not overly hot. Maggie won an inflatable shark in the random KK draw and thought it was the best thing ever. I would have loved to have had a chance to catch up with everyone moreso but I was supervising her in the water the entire time!

7 January we went with Ben and Olive. It was colder than forecast and around 22. The water at the Weir is not as cold as one might think. The highlight was Maggie and Olive putting their head underwater and saying what they could see (big fish, lobsters, etc)

23 January we went again when it was really hot, Gaga came with us which was nice. We used, for the first time, the awning I had bought years ago. It was very crowded, but with the awning we were able to have shade, and of course the Weir is very big.

Walks in Panton Hill

Across the lockdown of 2020 I wanted to keep Maggie interested in the outdoors. I used Google maps to find an interesting bit of land in Panton Hill. Depending on the lockdown restrictons – we weren’t always allowed there. But she really loved to bring a picnic and, as always, used her imagination to make it all a lot of fun. She now refers to the area as “bushwalks”.

On the trail
Enjoying a picnic